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About Us

Does life or work or relationships feel like they're getting on top of you? Are you struggling with your mood, feeling in a muddle, or out of sorts?

Dr. Liz Greenway (MA, MSc, BSc, PGCE, Dip SS, MBACP, MAPPCIOS) is experienced in the public, voluntary and private sectors and qualified in disciplines of organisational consultation, education, social science, psychotherapy and a competent, effective professional with a wealth of experience and extensive, specific consultancy training to doctoral level. All services are available in both settings and more widely by telephone or Zoom. Offering psychotherapy in Canada Water, the location is convenient from Canary Wharf, Greenwich and surrounding areas. Equally accessible, is counselling in Victoria and business consultant services in Central London. Organisational consultancy is offered similarly and further afield with boards, managers, staff and teams enabling psychologically informed awareness which in turn supports suitable, sustainable choices.

Liz has been offering psychotherapy in Canada Water and providing counselling in Victoria and vice versa for over 20 years and works with individuals on an open-ended basis or for an agreed time period, with the aim of enabling you to enhance your life and to live it more fully. Liz is also a qualified Cognitive Analytic Therapy Practitioner (ACAT). An empathic, warm, compassionate approach is offered together with insightful, astute attention to detail enabling the therapeutic relationship to become a rich source of transformation.

Well honed experience is on offer in helping clients who have experienced difficulties with:

  • Stress
  • Relationships: problems with partners, children, parents, and other family members
  • Long-term issues resulting from problems in childhood (including sexual abuse, physical abuse or neglect)
  • Anxiety
  • Health anxieties
  • Adjustments due to illness, disabilities or post surgery.
  • Issues of loss: bereavement, unemployment, separation and divorce, life stage
  • Major life changes and transition: eg choice of career, relationships, children, ageing
  • Depression
  • Identity issues, concerns around sexuality or gender issues
  • Creativity
  • Work issues: over-working, pressure at work, relationships at work, harassment and bullying, redundancy, clashes at work, Promotion issues
  • Motivation and life meaning issues
  • Stuck-in-a-rut
  • Low self-esteem and confidence
  • Trauma
  • Post natal depression
  • Fertility issues
  • Adjustment reactions to physical illness, life events
  • Feeling lost

Award Winner

The Center for the Study of Organizational Change ‘are dedicated to supporting scholarship that applies psychoanalytic concepts to the qualitative study of organizations’ awarded Liz Greenway 2014 Best Paper Award winner. The CSOC Best Paper Award was established in 2012 to develop the knowledge base for understanding organizations and organizational change, and to recognize scholarly excellence in developing new ways to apply psychoanalytic theory to the study of organizations. The award is sponsored by the Center for the Study of Organizational Change, and funded in part by the Harry S Truman School of Public Affairs at the University of Missouri and the Seth Allcorn Endowment Fund.


Dr. Liz Greenway is experienced in the public, voluntary and private sectors and qualified in disciplines of organisational consultation, education, social science, psychotherapy and a competent, effective professional with a wealth of experience and extensive, specific consultancy training to doctoral level.